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Have you ever thought about what sleep apnea symptoms really are?

Do you ever wake up feeling completely drained, even after what seemed like a full night’s sleep? Are you leaning on that third cup of coffee just to stay awake through the day? Maybe the moment your head hits the pillow, you’re out cold, only to wake up feeling just as tired as when you went to bed.

It’s easy to brush these feelings off, chalking it up to age or stress. But what if there’s something more going on? Something like sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea isn’t just about snoring; it’s a condition that disrupts your breathing while you sleep. The scary part? It happens without you even knowing it. You could wake up hundreds of times during the night and not remember a single one. This constant cycle of interrupted sleep leaves you exhausted, foggy, and struggling through your days. Left untreated, sleep apnea can take a serious toll on your overall health.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea often goes unnoticed, but its symptoms can seriously impact your daily life. From constant fatigue to mood swings, the signs are easy to miss yet critical to catch early. Understanding these symptoms can help you take the first step toward better sleep and improved health.

Are You at Risk For Sleep Apnea? Take Our Quiz!

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Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

Do you find yourself fighting to stay awake during the day, no matter how many hours you spent in bed? Falling asleep during meetings, while watching TV, or worse—while driving? That overwhelming sleepiness could be your body’s way of telling you something’s off. Sleep apnea leads to chronic sleep deprivation, and no matter how long you think you slept, your body knows it didn’t get the rest it needed. If you find yourself relying on caffeine, energy drinks, or naps to make it through the day, it’s time to pay attention.

Morning Headaches

Do you wake up with a pounding headache or that dreaded brain fog? This could be another red flag for sleep apnea. When your oxygen levels drop repeatedly during the night, it messes with your brain’s blood flow, triggering those morning headaches. If this sounds familiar, it might be worth looking into whether sleep apnea is to blame.

Irritability and Mood Swings

Not getting enough sleep does more than just make you tired—it can really mess with your mood. Sleep apnea often leads to irritability, anxiety, or even depression, as your brain struggles to recharge. And it’s not just about being tired. The constant lack of oxygen and interrupted sleep cause chemical changes in your brain, leaving you feeling off-balance, impatient, or down. If you’ve noticed you’re more on edge than usual or struggling emotionally, sleep apnea might be the culprit.

Frequent Nighttime Urination (Nocturia)

If you’re waking up multiple times a night to use the bathroom, it might not just be a sign of aging. Sleep apnea could be the hidden cause. The oxygen drops during sleep apnea trigger hormones that increase your need to urinate. Combine that with poor sleep quality, and you’re more aware of needing to go. If this is happening night after night, it’s worth tracking and mentioning to Dr. Brenner.

Decreased Libido and Erectile Dysfunction

Have you noticed a sudden drop in your sex drive or issues with erectile dysfunction? You might not immediately connect it to sleep, but sleep apnea can interfere with hormone regulation, affecting your libido. Studies show that many men with erectile dysfunction also suffer from sleep apnea. If you’re noticing changes in your sexual health, it’s worth discussing with Dr. Brenner to see if sleep apnea might be playing a role.

Waking Up with Dry Mouth or Sore Throat

If you’re waking up with a dry mouth or a sore throat, it might be because you’re struggling to breathe at night. Sleep apnea can cause you to sleep with your mouth open, leaving you with that cotton mouth feeling in the morning. The strain on your throat from snoring and gasping for air also contributes to that soreness. If these symptoms sound familiar, make sure to bring them up during your consultation.

Night Sweats

Waking up drenched in sweat? Night sweats could be your body’s response to the adrenaline surge caused by oxygen deprivation from sleep apnea. This hormonal reaction messes with your body’s temperature regulation, leading to those hot flashes and night sweats. If this is something you’re dealing with regularly, it’s time to talk to Dr. Brenner.

High Blood Pressure

Sleep apnea significantly raises your risk of high blood pressure. When you repeatedly stop breathing during the night, your blood oxygen levels drop, causing spikes in your blood pressure. Over time, this stress can lead to chronic high blood pressure, putting you at higher risk for heart attack or stroke. If you’re struggling to control your blood pressure despite medication and lifestyle changes, it’s worth getting evaluated for sleep apnea.

Gasping or Choking During Sleep

This is one of the scariest symptoms and often the wake-up call (literally) that makes people seek help. If your partner notices that you gasp or choke while sleeping, it’s likely that your body is jolting you awake to get you breathing again. This symptom tends to worsen as sleep apnea progresses, so don’t ignore it. If this sounds like you, it’s time to talk to Dr. Brenner about getting tested for sleep apnea.

symptoms of sleep apnea

Other Common Signs Include:

  • Mouth breathing while awake or asleep
  • Bedwetting or nightmares
  • Teeth grinding
  • Crowded, misaligned teeth
  • Snoring or making noises while sleeping
  • Allergies and asthma
  • Dark circles under the eyes
  • Irritability and aggression
  • Poor concentration and academic performance
  • Depression

Recognizing these signs early can make a huge difference. The sooner you take action, the sooner you can start getting the relief and healing you need.

Sleep Apnea Treatments: Finding the Right Solution for You

When it comes to sleep apnea, the good news is that there are several effective treatments available, each designed to fit your unique needs. Whether you’re dealing with mild symptoms or more severe cases, finding the right approach can transform your nights—and your life.

Vivos System

The Vivos System is a non-invasive, cutting-edge treatment that tackles the root cause of sleep apnea. This custom-made oral appliance gently reshapes your airway over time, improving airflow and reducing sleep apnea symptoms. It’s a long-term solution that works without the need for CPAP machines or surgery, making it a popular choice for those looking for lasting relief.

Oral Device Option (ODO)

Another innovative option is the Oral Device Option (ODO), which also works to open your airway while you sleep. It’s a small, comfortable appliance that repositions the jaw and tongue, helping to keep your airway clear. This is a great alternative for those who prefer a less invasive, user-friendly solution.

Mandibular Advancement Appliances

Mandibular advancement appliances are custom-made devices that work by gently pushing the lower jaw forward, which helps prevent your airway from collapsing during sleep. These appliances are comfortable, easy to use, and highly effective for those with mild to moderate sleep apnea. They offer a discreet alternative to CPAP machines, allowing for a more restful night’s sleep.

CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)

CPAP is one of the most well-known treatments for sleep apnea. It involves wearing a mask that delivers a continuous stream of air to keep your airway open while you sleep. While highly effective, some find the mask uncomfortable and challenging to adjust to. However, for those with more severe sleep apnea, CPAP can be a lifesaver, providing immediate relief and improved sleep quality.


In more severe cases, surgery might be the best option. Surgical treatments can range from removing excess tissue in the throat to repositioning the jaw or implanting devices that keep the airway open. While surgery can provide a permanent solution for some, it’s typically considered after other treatments have been explored due to the recovery time and associated risks.

Dr. Bethaney Brenner offers a variety of treatments to help you find the one that best suits your needs. Whether it’s a simple oral appliance or an advanced system like ODO or Vivos, our goal is to help you breathe easier, sleep better, and wake up feeling refreshed. Ready to take the next step? Schedule a consultation today to discuss which sleep apnea treatment is right for you.

Take Action Now!

At Dr. Bethaney Brenner DMD’s practice, we understand that waking up refreshed and energized can feel like a distant dream when sleep apnea is taking its toll. But it doesn’t have to be this way.

To feel your best, you need deep, uninterrupted sleep—without the constant gasping for air that’s been cutting off your oxygen and ruining your nights. Sleep apnea can leave you groggy and out of sync no matter how long you’re in bed, but the good news is, there are solutions.

Here’s how Dr. Bethaney Brenner can help with our specialized sleep apnea treatments:

  • First, we’ll take a deep dive into your sleep history and symptoms.
  • Then, we’ll craft a personalized treatment plan that may include oral appliances, breathing exercises, or advanced CPAP alternatives.
  • Finally, we’ll walk with you every step of the way, helping you reclaim restful nights and bright, energized mornings.

Don’t let another sleepless night pass you by. Schedule your consultation with Dr. Brenner today, and let us help you get back to the restful sleep you deserve. And while you’re here, explore our website to learn more about how sleep apnea might be affecting your health.

Schedule your FREE consultation today!

Dr. Bethaney B. Brenner DMD

8 Milford St, Burlington, CT 06013
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(860) 673-7155

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